The first has to do with using computers at the public library. More people than you might think use the computers at the public libraries. Always go in morning if you want to "hang out" with the unemployed crowd - some in this group are likely also without housing or showers as the odor with this crowd is a but stinky. Also a heavy smoker crowd. Afternoons in the computer lab will find you in the company of primarily young boys playing computer video games. A lively group but I feel a bit like a pervert sitting amongst them. I usually just hit the spacebar on my library computer repeatedly so they all think I'm intently playing a video game myself versus someone with no job. One of my favorite characters at the library computer lab is Laquisha, (not sure of her spelling). She is a very loud middle aged woman who is seeking work as a hair dresser. I know this because the computer lab also serves as her personal phone booth. She has finger nails that are about 3 inches long each and can chew gum louder than anyone I have ever known. She has a unique approach to her job hunt. She calls potential employers and begins by saying, "Honey, you need to hire me." She tells whomever she has reached via phone that she is a wonderful hairdresser who doesn't yet have any real hair styling experience but she has been friends with hair dressers all her life. Since I have seen her at the library pretty consistently for the last 4 weeks, I'm assuming her sales pitch isn't working so well.
Another key learning; filing for unemployment is one of the most time-intensive processes I have ever been through. You have to sign in blood electronically and swear on the name of your first-born child to ensure you are telling the truth. There are over 100 questions you must answer to register for unemployment then you must submit a claim every Sunday. You have to submit proof that you have actively sought jobs including the names and addresses of all employers you have spoken with. I have chosen not to submit my claims through the library computers as I'm pretty convinced some of the computer lab crowd are trolling the lab to get personal data off of nearby computers so they can steal my identity.
It's a rough world in the Fishers Library basement - you grow up pretty fast in the unemployment gang!
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