Monday, April 23, 2012

Applicant Tracking Systems and Phone Screens

I'm back after a weekend of resume uploading!!  I have now applied to over 100 jobs.  Again, my intent in writing these blogs is to help create awareness for others.

Today we will address the applicant tracking systems I have encountered as well as the phone screens I have had.

Applicant tracking systems, for those unfamiliar, are HUGE black holes on companies career sites.  When you want to apply for a job online, (which is the only way companies will allow you to do so) you must not only upload your resume but also re-enter all of the information from your resume into the system.  It's like filling out a paper application online, (and, of course, if you make it to onsite interviews, you also get to do an actual paper application so the company has the same information 3 times!).

The applicant tracking systems have the following fun features:

  • Some have maximum time limits for you to input information.  If you don't meet the time limit - the system kicks you out and you get to start all over again!!  So fun when I'm with the morning Fishers Library crowd!
  • It takes approximately 1-2 hours to input information from your resume into the systems.  I'm seriously considering changing my resume to only read - "PLEASE SEE INFORMATION IN YOUR STUPID APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM!"
  • I get to repeatedly let companies know that I am a white woman over 40 with no military experience and no disability, (David feels I should claim a disability because he feels I am mentally insane).
  • The system then scans your application for key words that the Recruiter has put into the system.  Interestingly enough, because I have the time, I have applied for jobs that I should easily qualify to do.  Often I get the dreaded form e-mail back saying the company has decided to go with candidates who better match the experience required for the job.  SERIOUSLY - I don't qualify to be an HR Manager or HR Director?
Now to phone screens.  Nothing better than trying to convey your passion and intelligence over the phone.  Some Recruiters are really good at phone screens.  Most are not.  I can sometimes hear them typing in the background so I know they are multi-tasking.  Several have had no questions prepared so they go with the "Tell me about yourself" question.  Over the phone I can tell them that I am a 6 foot tall blond model who played college basketball and enjoy exercise and hiking, (none of these are true for those that haven't seen me.  I'm five foot tall - with shoes on - a brunette and never played college anything nor do I exercise or hike).  I guess it's fun some days to mess with the Recruiters and answer questions in a really odd manner but most days I just want a job.  Bring me in for face-to-face interviews!!!  And some companies have brought me in for what I thought was going to be face-to-face interviews but it turned out to be video conference interviews!  Nothing like the herky jerky video conference that stops in mid-sentence.  One video conference began without the woman on the other end knowing and she was actually picking her nose on camera.  Really!!!!!  At least I didn't have to shake her hand!

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